Title: Boiler Room - No Left Arrow to get to platform [SOLVED] Post by: cable on May 18, 2010, 01:07:54 pm Robot is stuck in the boiler room
Not sure what Im doing wrong but have played the game to the same point in both windows and mac versions but can't get the left arrow to appear once the robot has been hoisted to jump onto the platform. I think I have the latest version/s - file stamps show feb 2010. Tried various combinations of resolution - full screen, etc and restarting game to no avail. shame because was enjoying the game. Has anyone else got this problem? Title: Re: Boiler Room - No Left Arrow to get to platform Post by: ABoretz on May 18, 2010, 04:37:08 pm You'll find lots of threads about the boiler room here in the Q&A section. Basically, seeing and activating the Left Arrow is a timing issue: You have to have your mouse at the right spot (just as the claw swings the robot past the platform) and click at the right moment (you have one chance to click else you have to try again). Good luck! Title: Re: Boiler Room - No Left Arrow to get to platform Post by: cable on May 18, 2010, 10:58:31 pm :)
thanks mmm i had the rotate and lift sequence wrong .... sometimes you cant see the forest because of the trees |