Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => General Machinarium topics => Topic started by: boigan on October 09, 2009, 06:11:31 pm

Title: Outstanding Game
Post by: boigan on October 09, 2009, 06:11:31 pm
I tried out the Steam demo of Machinarium last night, and was pretty blown away.  I'm posting simply to congratulate you on an outstanding game, particularly in the aspects of originality, artwork, and animation. 
The art in particular is the BEST I've seen in ANY game I can think of since Neverhood!  Good graphics come and go, but real, original art like that in Machinarium is supremely rare.  Combined with the top-notch animation, it's really a treat.  Other little things like the slick main-menu screen (with interactive little helicopter bots!) help to showcase how much care and thought was put into the game.

Keep up the great work!  I'll be pre-ordering today to support you.