Title: Arcade machine 2 bug Post by: meintevds on October 17, 2009, 05:59:02 pm I think I found a bug on the second arcade machine.
In level 3 I managed to get the small red C into the big red C which caused the yellow door to open. However there was no way I could get the big red C through the door, so I had to reset the level. After the level got reset the door was still open and I could just push the big red C through it without solving the rest of the level. Edit: FAIL! I just realized you had to escape through the door and that there is no need to bring both the small red and big red C with you >.>... I'm sorry if this is a false bug report... Title: Re: Arcade machine 2 bug Post by: popsUlfr on October 17, 2009, 06:23:22 pm Same here. Didn't grasp at first you only need to put the small square into the bigger one to complete the game. Not a bug :)
Title: Re: Arcade machine 2 bug Post by: meintevds on October 17, 2009, 07:10:41 pm Thanks for the quick reply.
I think resetting a level should close the yellow door tho. Title: Re: Arcade machine 2 bug Post by: Zihaki on October 17, 2009, 07:45:09 pm anyone knows how to solve the final game of the second machine??
EDIT:Found out^^ Title: Re: Arcade machine 2 bug Post by: Velvetmeds on October 17, 2009, 09:14:08 pm ^i want to know that :S
edit: no i dont, got it |