Title: Labi... Post by: whonows83 on October 18, 2009, 12:16:19 am Well, got connected with the "brain" thing, found the key, got the gun an shot a lot of ugly bad ass guys... but, uhm, what have i got to do or where do I hae to go in the labyrinth? tryed the hint book... only see the entry point but no exit.
been a far to great game till now - dont wanna stop tonight till im finished ;) please give me some help. thanks a lot! Title: Re: Labi... Post by: apricotmuffins on October 18, 2009, 12:27:05 am Top right of the labyrinth screen. If that number isnt 0 you have more work to do ;)
Title: Re: Labi... Post by: whonows83 on October 18, 2009, 12:35:40 am Thanks! yes figured it out myself right after posting my question ;)
problem is... it stops at 01. cant find the last bugger! ill hunt him down... any hints welcome :) Title: Re: Labi... Post by: whonows83 on October 18, 2009, 12:48:12 am got the last son of a b----... more fun than a good night on cod4 ;)