Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => Machinarium Puzzle Q&A => Topic started by: Pumba on October 18, 2009, 03:09:00 pm

Title: Would soembody please share his savegame?
Post by: Pumba on October 18, 2009, 03:09:00 pm
Hello everybody!

Not knowing, that savegames are stored as "Flash cookies" I lost all my save games because of the firefox-addon "betterprivacy" (like described here:,358.0.html (,358.0.html)). I played until 1 am last night and was at the arcade-room when I went to bed. Today: *Shock* all my progress is lost. Will somebody please share his "Machinarium.sol" file with me? Even if you are not as far into the game - all help is apreciated!

Best regards!

Title: Re: Would soembody please share his savegame?
Post by: ReBoot on October 18, 2009, 05:20:10 pm

All levels now available for download in the Shared Machinarium .sol Files (,13.0.html) thread

Title: Re: Would soembody please share his savegame?
Post by: Pumba on October 18, 2009, 06:25:11 pm
Thank you very much! :-)