Title: Gamebreaking glitch, prison cell scene. Post by: darkrai on April 22, 2013, 08:05:03 am in the prison cell, your stuck with a guy and he wants a cigarette. i took the seaweed stuff and the valve piece and also some toilet paper, i got stuck so i used the book. it said to fry the seaweed using the lightbulb, okay so i go to the lightbulb, extend the little guy but i cant seem to get the seaweed to interact with the lightbulb, when i put the seaweed on the lightbulb my mouse pointer doesnt even change to the little hand icon like it should. i basically cant get the seaweed to interact with the lightbulb.
i have finished this game before but that was ages ago. im running osx lion 10.8.2 on macbook pro. when i finished the game last time it was on snow leopard (2 major updates before osx lion). i downloaded machinarium from mac appstore and i tried to delete and re-install and replay the game but its still not working :( Title: Re: Gamebreaking glitch, prison cell scene. Post by: Lamkin on April 22, 2013, 09:56:40 pm when i put the seaweed on the lightbulb my mouse pointer doesnt even change to the little hand icon like it should. i basically cant get the seaweed to interact with the lightbulb. Actually, the mouse pointer isn't supposed to change to the little hand icon. Once you click on the seaweed in the inventory, the seaweed basically replaces your cursor and can be dragged around the screen...and the image of the seaweed should get a little bit lighter (or brighter, more like) when you drag it close to the lightbulb, as it's an indication that the item you're dragging can be used with some other object on the screen. But you're saying that that isn't happening, apparently. And you're positive that the robot is extended? 'Cause I know he won't stay extended for long, and of course you can't place the seaweed on the lightbulb unless he's extended, as I'm sure you're aware. Also, are you positive that you're clicking on the lightbulb when you're holding the seaweed? But yeah, if you're doing all those things and nothing's happening, you want this to be able to work the way it should. I'll search through the other topics as I seem to vaguely remember something about this happening to someone else(??). Will edit or post again if I find anything. Edit: Ack, I didn't find anything. =( In the meantime, darkai, I'll attach a .sol (save) file below for this location where I'd saved just after drying the seaweed. That way you can continue your game. Machinarium.sol file: http://cl.ly/OSpP And the instructions for finding and replacing your .sol file are here: http://forum.amanita-design.net/index.php?topic=1095.0.html By the way, I'm running Snow Leopard...haven't upgraded yet... Edit #1: I just tested this tonight on Mountain Lion (10.8.4), and I did notice that the seaweed *wasn't* interacting with the light bulb...at first. So I looked into the next room with the two prisoners, then grabbed the toilet paper and then tried again and it worked (for whatever reason). So my suggestion, for anyone else having this problem, is to click around a bit and then try again. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that. Edit #2: Same night as the edit above...I just tried it again and it worked this time. Not sure what happened the first time. |