Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => Machinarium Puzzle Q&A => Topic started by: hqmhqm on October 19, 2009, 04:28:12 pm

Title: Can you transfer saved game state between Mac to Windows??
Post by: hqmhqm on October 19, 2009, 04:28:12 pm
I purchased the game and downloaded one copy for Mac and another for  the PC in our living room, so we could play on my Macbook laptop and then
play with at home with the kids on the PC at home in our playroom.

Is there any way to transfer the saved game state  back and forth between the Mac to the PC, so we can pickup where we left off
on the other machine?

Title: Re: Can you transfer saved game state between Mac to Windows??
Post by: popsUlfr on October 19, 2009, 07:05:33 pm
Here's the thread about where savegame file is located. (,463.0.html)

Another thread about the same question:,372.0.html (,372.0.html)

Just copy your "Machinarium.sol" to your other Computer to continue your progress ;)