Title: Arcade room Game 3 Lightbulb? Post by: twistngo on October 20, 2009, 03:16:22 am Blew the bulb in Game 3.
Where is it? Did I miss it? Thanks Title: Re: Arcade room Game 3 Lightbulb? Post by: ivi on October 20, 2009, 03:45:15 am No, you didn't miss anything. These bulbs are a bit too big for the elevator control panel, aren't they? ;)
Title: Re: Arcade room Game 3 Lightbulb? Post by: Cirdain on October 20, 2009, 09:21:01 pm No, you didn't miss anything. These bulbs are a bit too big for the elevator control panel, aren't they? ;) ?Title: Re: Arcade room Game 3 Lightbulb? Post by: popsUlfr on October 20, 2009, 09:27:54 pm No, you didn't miss anything. These bulbs are a bit too big for the elevator control panel, aren't they? ;) I think you're thinking ahead of him there. Sadly Game Machine 3 is broken, you can't play it. |