Title: What's with the book in the top right hand corner? Post by: MissM on October 21, 2009, 03:52:30 am It's like a video game, with the key and the spiders, but it seems unwinnable. It doesn't seem to affect the game either.
what is it for? Thanks, MissM and Grandpa Title: Re: What's with the book in the top right hand corner? Post by: Ijustwantaplay on October 21, 2009, 04:12:01 am You play the little spider video game when your stuck and upon win of the game, the book opens to reveal clues what to do in the part of the game that your stuck on. I take a screen shot now so that if I have to go back and look I don't have to play the game again, for that area.
Title: Re: What's with the book in the top right hand corner? Post by: MissM on October 21, 2009, 04:20:21 am Is there some trick to winning the game? We never get past the first spider or two.
Title: Re: What's with the book in the top right hand corner? Post by: ivi on October 21, 2009, 04:22:18 am It's a clue book that offers a detailed pictorial walkthrough of your current level. The spider shooting game is there to prevent 'lazy peeking'. I would definitely recommend using the walkthrough as little as possible ;) I take a screen shot now so that if I have to go back and look I don't have to play the game again, for that area. Alternatively, you can find screenshots of all the walkthrough pages on [Mod Comment: That site is gone. But all the walkthrough screenshots are here (http://machinarium.net/forum/index.php/topic,542.msg2717.html#msg2717) on this forum.] Is there some trick to winning the game? We never get past the first spider or two. Not sure if it can be considered a trick, but using the arrow keys and space bar instead of the mouse makes beating the spider game a lot easier. Title: Re: What's with the book in the top right hand corner? Post by: MissM on October 21, 2009, 04:42:08 am An LOL moment. We didn't know you could shoot the spiders until you told us to use the spacebar!
Thanks for all your help. MissM and Grandpa |