Title: BUG: Cannot produce sunflower oil! Post by: tybeet on October 21, 2009, 03:12:50 pm I've followed the walkthrough guide in-game AND a video tutorial on YT so I am not missing anything here.
Canteen goes under spout, seeds go in grinder, lever goes up and down a whole bunch. I've done this a dozen times, and not a single drop is coming out! What gives? Title: Re: BUG: Cannot produce sunflower oil! Post by: popsUlfr on October 21, 2009, 03:21:07 pm Did you place the recipient the wheelchair robot gave you under it? The up and down movement has to be done a bit faster and in rythm.
Title: Re: BUG: Cannot produce sunflower oil! Post by: tybeet on October 21, 2009, 07:30:22 pm Yep, I've already tried to give the old man the normal oil, and had him tell me to get sunflower oil. The canteen is underneath the spout. I've tried fast, slow; rhythmic fast, rhythmic moderate, rhythmic slow; furiously fast, etc... Still not a drop.