Title: Cant get the "girl" (?) robot to turn the "cross" (bug?) Post by: Johan on October 31, 2015, 08:53:28 am After solving the "musical" riddle and playing the same notes on a small instrument (on top of a building where the main computers are located) the door to the space ship (?) opens up. Great.
Now I want my friend to turn the cross so that the stairs fold out (I guess). But I have no idea of how to "activate" her, tell her to turn the cross, or whatever... Simply pressing the cross seems like a good idea, but that will not help me... Anyone? Android 5.0.1 Samsung galaxy Note 4 Title: Re: Cant get the "girl" (?) robot to turn the "cross" (bug?) Post by: SleepyUser on November 19, 2015, 09:32:28 pm Did you try tapping her instead of the cross?
Swaping between her and Joseph was via a simple click on the window of the room she was in, in the "wall elevator" stage. Title: Re: Cant get the "girl" (?) robot to turn the "cross" (bug?) Post by: Johan on November 20, 2015, 03:58:59 pm On the "elevetorlevel" it was simple, here I'm just not able to "activate" "her", I've tried a lot. Thanks anyway...
Title: Re: Cant get the "girl" (?) robot to turn the "cross" (bug?) Post by: SleepyUser on November 20, 2015, 05:00:54 pm On the "elevetorlevel" it was simple, here I'm just not able to "activate" "her", I've tried a lot. Thanks anyway... Just watched a vid, to refresh my memory. The stairs fold out automatically after playing the right notes, you just turn the cross to make the stairs stay in place. You do so by clicking the cross right after playing the notes. Bertha seems to be auto-controled so you probably don't need to switch to her. If it still won't work then we may be talking about a bug here. Didn't beat the whole game on android so I don't have anything else to suggest :( Title: Re: Cant get the "girl" (?) robot to turn the "cross" (bug?) Post by: Johan on November 28, 2015, 07:21:54 pm That my friend leads me to believe that I still have not played the tune correctly... Thank you! Hope this will fix everything...