Title: Machinarium inspired character Post by: ElineAN on July 29, 2016, 09:21:52 am A few years ago, i created this character based on the universe of machinarium. I have so many sketches and made up part of a story too. This drawing is made to resemble the way sketches is featured in the "hint book". Hope you enjoy!
(http://img13.deviantart.net/ca60/i/2012/206/0/d/m_a_c_k_the_robot_by_tohaveoptimist-d58iymu.jpg) Title: Re: Machinarium inspired character Post by: SleepyUser on July 30, 2016, 12:01:12 am You get my respect for drawing this! ;) Looks completely awesome!
Mind sharing the complete story? I'm pretty sure some members like myself would be intrested. |