Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => General Machinarium topics => Topic started by: qwaffles on August 08, 2016, 02:07:16 pm

Title: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: qwaffles on August 08, 2016, 02:07:16 pm
 ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: Alex on August 08, 2016, 06:54:51 pm
??? ??? ???

Not sure what you're asking for.

But how about this JPG that forum member o00o ( created?    :)

( ( <click for full size

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: qwaffles on August 09, 2016, 01:27:02 am
names of tracks+picture of the location in the game. :)

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: SleepyUser on August 12, 2016, 10:53:16 am
names of tracks+picture of the location in the game. :)

Do you mean the name of the track, and where it plays at?
Like "Clockwise Operetta" in the Black Cap Brotherhood's hq?
For the full list I had to type this really long, not sure about all of

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: qwaffles on August 13, 2016, 08:44:33 pm

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: Despair on November 26, 2016, 05:21:36 am
For the love of god the music produced by the moon symbol at the church clock puzzle what is the name of that music piece i have been searching for years i want that music piece in full length please if there is no such thing then i beg the game developers to create it as a soundtrack and send it to me for christ sakes

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: SleepyUser on January 03, 2017, 10:47:21 pm
For the love of god the music produced by the moon symbol at the church clock puzzle what is the name of that music piece i have been searching for years i want that music piece in full length please if there is no such thing then i beg the game developers to create it as a soundtrack and send it to me for christ sakes

If it's only a sound produced for a little while by an object, it most likely isn't a soundtrack,
but I can check up on it.

Update: Sorry, but there isn't a full version of this.

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: Despair on May 01, 2017, 09:09:18 pm
can u at least tell me where can i get the mp3 file of that piece of music

Title: Re: machinarium sountrack with pictures of locations from game
Post by: Alex on May 03, 2017, 06:48:59 pm
Quote from: Despair
can u at least tell me where can i get the mp3 file of that piece of music

Try this (