Title: Flypaper? WTF?? Post by: LOPAN on December 06, 2009, 11:17:59 pm What is that? In my country (Brasil), no one uses or ever used this kind of device. I didn't know what was that, I thought it was some knife sharpening tool. I'd never have thought that is was for killing flies as I have never seen one of these.
So, I was stuck for days and I had to resort to the hint system (I hate to do that). I think items should be named so people wouldn't get this issue. I believe that many countries don't sell this device. Nevertheless, it is a great game, I'm enjoying it. Title: Re: Flypaper? WTF?? Post by: Sandy Trunks on December 07, 2009, 04:38:16 am What is that? In my country (Brasil), no one uses or ever used this kind of device. You've obviously never worked in a restaurant (or walked through the kitchen of one) or you'd know exactly what flypaper is for! Flies carry germs (http://library.thinkquest.org/C0117442/html/diseases.html), so it's simply not possible that no one in Brasil uses flypaper, otherwise every time you ate a meal at a restaurant you'd very likely get sick with something. :P Title: Re: Flypaper? WTF?? Post by: ABoretz on December 08, 2009, 05:21:30 pm From guardian.co.uk = Himalayan sherpas bugged by the sight of house flies at 5,000m (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/oct/12/himalayas-nepal-climate-change) one could now attempt some joke about sending flypaper to Nepal except that this story is actually very worrisome :( Title: Re: Flypaper? WTF?? Post by: LOPAN on December 08, 2009, 09:02:00 pm lol I surely never worked as a waiter.
Here we use some stuff you plug into the outlet and this make some noise or scent we cant hear/smell, but it avoid flies. Or some greenish spiral stuff you burn that stinks so much that no bugs want to get by. This flypaper thing is nasty. |