Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => Lost Saved Games? => Topic started by: bac10687 on January 03, 2010, 12:38:28 am

Title: Saves deleted but no CCscanner, whats the deal?
Post by: bac10687 on January 03, 2010, 12:38:28 am
            I read a little about why saves don't work for others but it seems different than mine. My saves were fine for over a week, able to quit and return to the game a day or two later and they were still there. Then just yesterday the save disappeared. I played through the game again up until the point I was at (the bomb defusing, very near the end I believe) and saved in multiple files. I quit the game and then reopened the game right after to check if I could 'resume game' and I could. Now one day later its completely gone again. Is there any way I can find these saves again or, barring that, does anyone have a save relatively close to the end of the game?

Thanks for your help, I need it

Title: Re: Saves deleted but no CCscanner, whats the deal?
Post by: ABoretz on January 03, 2010, 09:02:17 am

What else do you have running?  There are many programs intended to keep you safe ( that might have engaged and thus deleted your saved games.  Can you think of some other prog that might have stepped in and zapped your FLASH files?