Title: How about a separate, lower-priced version minus the MP3s and multiple versions? Post by: Wrenbot on February 13, 2010, 02:17:32 pm While recommending the magic of Machinarium to friends and strangers, I've noticed some people being reluctant to spend US$20.
Although that is a negligible cost when compared to other frivolous endeavors of everyday life, I believe a separate US$15 or $10 version which only includes one type of executable (Windows, Linux or Mac) and excludes the MP3 soundtrack, could provide a very appealing option to those with tighter pockets and no need for such extras. Title: Re: How about a lower-priced version minus the MP3s and multiple versions? Post by: ABoretz on February 14, 2010, 02:56:17 am Tell your friends about The Indie Love Bundle (http://theindiebundle.com/). Instead of just one indie title for $20 they can get six (including Machinarium)! Title: Re: How about a lower-priced version minus the MP3s and multiple versions? Post by: Wrenbot on February 14, 2010, 03:44:08 am Tell your friends about The Indie Love Bundle (http://theindiebundle.com/). Instead of just one indie title for $20 they can get six (including Machinarium)! |