Title: Animations not displaying at times Post by: Interitus on February 28, 2010, 01:55:18 am First, thank you for the beautiful work.
I downloaded the game today, and I'm having display issues. Sometimes the animations stop. I can hear the sounds happening, but nothing changes on screen. If I wait long enough (30 seconds - 1 min) the animation shows, but everything from that point on is heavily delayed. Even dragging the mouse over the Inventory or Menu does nothing. The only thing that I can do is use the task manager to end the process and reload the game. Win XP P4 2.4ghz 3GB Ram Title: Re: Animations not displaying at times Post by: ABoretz on February 28, 2010, 04:27:37 am Have you tried turning off hardware acceleration? (http://machinarium.net/forum/index.php/topic,433.msg2054.html#msg2054) |