Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => General Machinarium topics => Topic started by: Wrenbot on June 22, 2010, 02:16:23 am

Title: Let's make Machinarium for the Nintendo 3DS!
Post by: Wrenbot on June 22, 2010, 02:16:23 am
Nintendo 3DS - Next generation handheld with 3D Screen (

I hope Ninty will allow independent developers to release their products on that platform through a DSiWare-like online delivery system.

Machinarium's already-gorgeous art would be simply out-of-this-world in stereoscopic (AKA "3D") vision :) and you could use the bottom screen for the inventory or the hints and Walkthrough book, or even use it to show what the Robot is thinking at all times :D

Title: Re: Let's make Machinarium for the Nintendo 3DS!
Post by: divit on June 23, 2010, 11:35:50 am
Seconded, thirded... nth'd
There will probably be DSiWare on the 3DS as well but it might be better to go for a cartridge release (Nintendo downloads tend to have file size restrictions). Some indie developers have pulled this off, but it would probably mean going through a publisher.
Even if it did mean losing out on however much profit it would still be totally worth it.
Please  ;D