Amanita Design forum

Machinarium => Shared Machinarium .sol Files => Topic started by: Lamkin on December 29, 2010, 04:34:10 am

Title: Won Five in a Row .sol File
Post by: Lamkin on December 29, 2010, 04:34:10 am
Saved immediately after winning the 5 in a Row game. No items are in the inventory.

Title: Re: Won Five in a Row .sol File
Post by: peter tron on July 08, 2014, 10:58:59 pm
yer too clever for your own boots, mr. lamkin ;)

many thanks!

even though i have been "driven" to the forum to locate "clues" as to how i can beat the 5-in-a-row game, i am stubborn enough to see if i can figure it out for myself.

