Amanita Design forum

Amanita Design => Floex [Tomáš Dvořák] => Topic started by: chibrsfan on November 15, 2011, 02:58:12 am

Title: 92.7
Post by: chibrsfan on November 15, 2011, 02:58:12 am
Hey guys,

I know I'm knew to the forum, but I've been following for a while and appreciate everything.  I'm an airline pilot in the USA and respect great music and soundtracks, and this is the best.  I've been digging for a while and I really apologize if this has been answered before, but is the track on the radio (big headed machine with a cough level) 7/92 downloadable?  Great mix and didn't hear it on the soundtrack I purchased.  Thanks guys!


Title: Re: 92.7
Post by: Alex on November 15, 2011, 04:46:33 am

You'll find many additional tracks from the game within one of the Machinarium folders stored on your computer.  See this thread: Re: Soundtrack (,339.msg1657.html#msg1657)

Also, you might like to download Floex's  Free Machinarium Bonus EP ( which contains five tunes from the game: The Robot Band Tune - Pipe Wrench Dubstep - Game In The Brain - Defusing The Bomb - By The Wall.