Amanita Design forum

Amanita Design => Floex [Tomáš Dvořák] => Topic started by: Alex on January 17, 2012, 06:04:42 am

Title: Floex 2012 tour dates
Post by: Alex on January 17, 2012, 06:04:42 am (

Title: Re: Floex 2012 tour dates
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2012, 08:27:23 pm

Update: Floex band is STILL on tour...
( (

Title: Re: Floex 2012 tour dates
Post by: Alex on May 16, 2012, 06:44:02 am

Great news for UK (and Plock, Poland) Floex fans listed on his Facebook page (!

"On 24th July, we play on Edinburgh Jazz Festival together with Hidden Orchestra! Also confirmed dates include 28th July on Audioriver Festival - Plock, Poland. More info on Songkick: ("

Title: Re: Floex 2012 tour dates [ Krake 2012 this August in Berlin! ]
Post by: Alex on June 05, 2012, 06:37:28 am

"KRAKE is an annual Berlin based fes­ti­val for chal­leng­ing elec­tronic music. It’s about danc­ing, freak­ing and lis­ten­ing. About dark­ness, joy and sur­prise. A chal­lenge for all your senses.... Come on, drown with us!"austerity backlash?  link: (