Bought the game today and had quite some problems getting it to work on my debian squeeze amd64 system. Seen that I'm not the only one, here is how I got it to work. If it has already been posted, then I haven't found it, don't be mad
As already stated somewhere else, libnss3-1d and libcurl3 are required but missing in the ia32-libs packet of debian (therefore, the linux-FAQ is kinda wrong for debian). However, they are available in the debian-multimedia repository that can be found on The easiest way is to just include the repository in your apt sources. Add the lines (just an example, look for closer mirrors on the site and replace stable by whatever you're using):
deb stable main
deb-src stable main
to your /etc/apt/sources.list and do an "aptitude update" (or "apt-get update"). Then, install the required packages and dependencies of them using:
aptitude install ia32-libs-libnss2 ia32-libs-libcurl3
For me, it installed the libraries in "/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib" which was not in the library path so we need to add this directory. Create the file "/etc/" (or name it whatever you like, with .conf in the end) with the contents "/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib". Or just paste
echo /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib > /etc/
into a rootshell. Then, still as root, rebuild the library-cache with (no parameters):
And you're good to go. Having done all that, the game works like a charm for me. If this helps you or there are additions, I'd be happy to read a response.
Thanks to the developers for making this great game!