Before you read the review be warned that there are lots of game spoilers throughout the piece.
Also it seemed to me as though some of the reviewers were kind of clueless about what to expect from an Amanita Design-ed game. It was almost as though they were frustrated that they couldn't blow something up or snipe another character with a high powered laser but had to instead use their minds and THINK their way through problems!
Also surprisingly absent was any mention of Floex's music! Either the demo they were sent came without the soundtrack or, more likely, they were just too impatient and distracted by the lack of lasers to have noticed the music.
Nevertheless, I'm posting the link so that you can see the several NEW images from the game that we haven't seen up to now.
I would suggest that you just scroll down the page to view the images and ignore all the Destructoid-er babble...