I'll try to lay out the process of getting the game to run on as many distributions as possible.
1) Download the Linux version of the game from your Humble Bundle page and unzip the content (Botanicula.air)
Terminal way:
unzip botanicula-linux-*.zip
2) You'll need the Adobe AIR Runtime (much smaller since it doesn't come with the development files) OR Adobe AIR SDK installed
minimum version being 2.6! Otherwise the game won't start.Distro Dependant Procedures;
- RPM (RedHat,Fedora,...) or Debian based Distributions (Ubuntu,Linux Mint,...):
Official Way:-Download Adobe Air Runtime for Linux from
here (at least version
-Either right click the AdobeAIRInstaller.bin, set its permissions to "Execute" and double-click it or the terminal way:
chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
Reference-Follow the installation procedures.
If you have issues intalling Adobe AIR, try this (thank you James Paige!):I also had troubles with Adobe AIR, trying to install Botanicula linux box. Here are the problems, and how I worked around them:
(This is on an Ubuntu 12.04 laptop using the gnome-session-fallback window manager)
This installer:
http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/lin/download/2.6/AdobeAIRInstaller.bin did not work for me. I could get it to run by setting the executable bit and running it from a terminal, but, it asked for my password, and when I typed it, the installer told me that I needed to install Gnome Keyring Manager (even though it is already installed.)
Then I found a .deb package for Adobe Air from here:
http://update.devolo.com/linux/apt/pool/main/a/adobeair/ and it installed okay (dpkg actually printed out the same error about Gnome Keyring, but the install completed okay)
Then I ran the "Adobe AIR Application Installer" (which was in Applications->Accessories)
In the AIR installer I browsed to where I had unzipped Botanicula.air and selected it.
Then the Botanicula installer started up. it took a really long time, and maxed out my memory usage, and I was sure it had frozen up completely (the progress bar was pretty worthless) but eventually it did actually finish.
The Botanicula icon (named BotaAIRLinux) was installed in the wrong menu, Accessories instead of Games, so I moved it manually.
It works, and seems to run fine. I can play! I am excited about this game, and I am confident that the joy of playing the game will more than make up for the woefully crappy installer

For 64bit:
dpkg -i adobeair_2.6.0.19170_amd64.deb
For 32bit:
dpkg -i adobeair_2.6.0.19170_i386.deb
-Install Adobe AIR from the
adobe-air-sdkAdobe Air Entry in the Arch Wiki-The Adobe AIR Ebuild is not available in the official Portage overlay but the
xarthisius overlay has the version
Either add the files to your
local overlay or add it with
laymanemerge -av layman
layman -L
layman -a xarthisius
Now if it's the first overlay you add, dont forget to update your
PORTDIR_OVERLAY in your /etc/make.conf
source /var/lib/layman/make.conf
-You may now proceed with emerging dev-util/adobe-air-sdk-bin-2.6:
emerge -av =dev-util/adobe-air-sdk-bin-2.6
-Sabayon is Gentoo based, and entropy doesn't provide the required 2.6 so the same steps apply.
Layman should already be present and configured, so all you need to do is add the overlay
layman -a xarthisius
and emerge
emerge -av =dev-util/adobe-air-sdk-bin-2.6
3) If the installer did everything correctly .air files should now be associated with the Adobe AIR. So all you need to do is execute/double-click your Botanicula.air you unpacked earlier.
You can also launch the game through the command line:
airstart Botanicula.air