recently i have bought the latest humble bundle that included machinarium in it. as a great fan of machinarium (purchased and played through it already before) i was really looking forward to playing it on my phone too. however, i was too hyped it seems

after i start the game, everything works perfectly and is looking beautiful. all seems right, i click new game, the robot spaceship falls down.
i tap a few times on my body, it rolls to my head. extend my head, take the doll and THEN- the end. the inventory and everything else seems just a FEW FEW FEW pixels cut off and i can't tap on it. just like 5-10 pixels or so. is this a problem with my phone?
if so, is that a problem to move the menu to the left a little bit? or make it extendable? scrollable screen? or is it just a bug?
please, how could i play machinarium on my phone?