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Author Topic: Machinarium definitely rocks! Now imagine this...  (Read 34746 times)
little robot
Posts: 4

« on: October 22, 2009, 08:08:32 am »

Am I the only one thinking "online robot world simulator" ?

Imagine, creating your own robot, designing everything yourself, and play with other people in a robot world!

Wouldn't that be awesome?

I mean, as few ai controlled robots, infinitely many player controlled robots...

You would be able to open up a store where you can buy new parts and upgrade or repair your robot, or become a battle droid, fighting off scum to protect the innocent.

Okay, I'm getting a little carried away with this, but please tell me someone is working on this shit, or any shit similar, right as I speak/write!
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 08:23:50 am »

Or you could become the scum if you wanted.

You could choose any role you would want to choose! And look exactly as awesome as you wanted!

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black cap brotherhood boss
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« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 09:11:03 am »

"World of Machinarium" or
"Grand Theft Automats: Machinarium"?
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 02:35:53 pm »

Nonono, more like something new, where the players ruled the world.
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black cap brotherhood boss
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Posts: 270


« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 08:34:48 pm »

Nonono, more like something new, where the players ruled the world.

Which fits a MMORPG...
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2009, 09:50:58 pm »

Nonono, more like something new, where the players ruled the world.

Which fits a MMORPG...
Not really, most MMORPGs have a pre-created which the players can move around in, but can't change in any way.
I think Aksel wants far more freedom than that.

Have you seen the game LOVE? It looks like it might be right for you. It's only in Alpha at the moment, so you could get there while it's still changeable.
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space invader
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pains-aux-raisins-based life-form.

« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 10:14:51 am »

To begin, it can be just a thing where each plays a robot in the world of Machinarium, and where you can go for a walk, and interact with the others (chatting ?) without precise goal. Something like this Disney thing, but with the Machinarium's universe and spirit.  Roll Eyes
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 08:42:50 pm »

Have you seen the game LOVE? It looks like it might be right for you. It's only in Alpha at the moment, so you could get there while it's still changeable.
Give me a link, it's impossible to find :/
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2009, 11:10:51 pm »

I suppose it's not the most individual name around.


The person making it (yup, another game by one person) hasn't much money so to get the Alpha you need to pay 3 Euros for bandwidth & servers. He suggests looking at the Forum if you want to be sure whether it's worth it:

little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2009, 09:53:50 am »

Am I the only one thinking "online robot world simulator" ?

Imagine, creating your own robot, designing everything yourself, and play with other people in a robot world!

Wouldn't that be awesome?

I mean, as few ai controlled robots, infinitely many player controlled robots...

You would be able to open up a store where you can buy new parts and upgrade or repair your robot, or become a battle droid, fighting off scum to protect the innocent.

Okay, I'm getting a little carried away with this, but please tell me someone is working on this shit, or any shit similar, right as I speak/write!

Machinarium hipe is all about the fact that actually u don't need to read/write anything! all requests are made using baloons.. now i imagine an online mmorpg where folks decide the head apperance using an initial interface width&height..once youre set, you'll spawn in the local junkyard where you should build your body using the spare junk part scattered around..

The interface should be rather simple, to interact with others you must use the baloons but you should put in them the "image" of the thinks needed.. e.g.: you are hungry and you need oil.. the just drag yourself into the baloon and then drag an oil can in the baloon as well.. the more stuff you use.. the more you'll be able to interact with people so seasoned players would have an huge amount of stuff to put in the baloons to easy comunicate with others and when they comunicate with newbies they "share" their baloons contents with them!

The world should be as the machinarium world we knows.. an huge planet maybe doomed and stranded since humanity or alien race who lived here before died or maybe their simply gone due they exaust the planet resources (a pharody of humankind lol) now only the robots may survive in the planet and they try to survive

You must provide yourself food (oil) find better parts (scavenge/kills/forge for them) so you may decide if you would become an engineer, a scavenger.. a killer.. you may also build outpost made only but junks scattered around the planet.. arange old engine parts to create machineries ... veichles.. a complete robot society..

Since the planet was made unhabitable due nuclear waste, exaust resources.. pollution.. junks.. strange creature arise from the mutation.. many creatures become bio-mechs.. so you may hunt for them.. gathering parts.. and their blood is not blood but.. oil!..

Player may arise a commercial stand, and give quests to newbies to gather hides, parts...

noble citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 27

« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2009, 10:52:25 pm »

I suppose your ideas are not bad. They sure got my imagination running :-) Reminds me of an oldie sci-fi novel called "The hole in the zero" by M. K. Joseph, in which there's a description of a very similar world: In a desert-like wasteland there are surviving groups of sentient trees, which are cut down and consumed by strange steampowered tank- or train-like robots with attached saws, shovels, claws and the like. There are also predators, who tears the smaller defenceles automata apart and steals their wood and water.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 10:11:25 am by h4tt3n » Logged
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2009, 11:14:05 pm »

You must provide yourself food (oil) find better parts (scavenge/kills/forge for them) so you may decide if you would become an engineer, a scavenger.. a killer.. you may also build outpost made only but junks scattered around the planet.. arange old engine parts to create machineries ... veichles.. a complete robot society..

I'd really like to play a game where the programmers just created the world, then let the players work out the rest for themselves.

The only thing you'd have to do is survive, but you couldn't survive in the wilderness on your own - you'd have to work with other players, so social structures would arise. Some players would end up getting enough oil for the settlement while others became engineers etc. to make it easier to do things (travel, mining).

It would also be cool if the players had an effect on the landscape, so that if enough people walked along the same route it would eventually become eroded into a path; when people mine they have to dig further and further into the ground to get what they want until it runs out, then they're left with a system of tunnels which could be used for other purposes.

Because there would be no guidelines on what worked engineers would have to experiment with different combinations of chemicals to work out which mix of minerals make the strongest metals, and how the different chemicals react to each other to get the best explosions or acids. Then a whole sceintific community could come into existence.

To do that the programmers would effectively have to create a whole world. They could make it work in any way they wanted, so instead of just mimicing our world they could create completely bizarre laws of science which the players would have to adapt to.
So it would be really hard to make, but easily cool enough to be worth it.
captain robot
Posts: 44

« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2016, 06:11:18 pm »

nice idea!
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