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February 16, 2025, 01:48:59 pm

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Author Topic: Kuky se vrací (Kooky's Return)  (Read 129567 times)
space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2010, 12:27:23 am »

Hey Merry Christmas everyone Smiley .

No news on the movie dvd yet?
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 01:02:40 pm »

You can get Kuky se Vrací from http://czechsouvenirs.com/ of all places. My girlfriend somehow found this out and got it for me for Christmas!

They ship outside of Czech republic (we live in Denmark). The store doesn't let you pay with credit card, but you can use PayPal or do a old fashioned bank transfer.

The movie is in Czech with optional English subtitles. The text on the DVD case is in Czech. Regrettably the extra material is not subtitled (like the long "The Making of..." feature). Some of it, like storyboard and concept art, doesn't need translation though.

The movie is as wonderful as it looks in the trailers. Highly recommendable!

little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2011, 05:15:53 am »

Does anyone know if Tomas Dvorak did the music for Kooky?  I'm still totally addicted to the Machinarium soundtrack and I sure would love to know there's more on the horizon.
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2011, 10:06:01 am »

Does anyone know if Tomas Dvorak did the music for Kooky?

He did not, nope.

I'm still totally addicted to the Machinarium soundtrack and I sure would love to know there's more on the horizon.

Well, in case you weren't aware, Tomas (aka Floex) also composed the soundtrack for Samorost2, which is another game by Amanita Design.
(There are links to purchase the game + soundtrack at the bottom of that page. Or you can buy the soundtrack separately on iTunes.)

He also has an album entitled Pocustone, which can be purchased on iTunes.

And here's the link to Tomas's official site:

« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 08:57:05 pm by Lamkin » Logged
little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2011, 12:51:33 pm »

Hi all,
you can purchase DVD Kooky movie English subtitled on http://www.czechsouvenirs.com/. We deliver worldwide...
noble citizen robot
Posts: 22

« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2011, 03:37:59 am »

I am waiting for the English version of Kuky se vrací. I know it is going to be released for worldwide acquisition at the forthcoming Berlin Film Festival Market. But have a question.

Will it be released as a Bluray/DVD combo? I know for many it is more convenient to buy either the DVD only or the Bluray, but I prefer to have them both in one package.
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2011, 10:15:05 am »

I saw the english trailer of Kooky and it ws really awesome. The music, the action everything was amazing. I also seen the 'behind the scenes' videos and I saw a lot of hard work there.

Good luck and please release it as soon as you can Smiley
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2011, 09:41:12 am »

Hi all,
you can purchase DVD Kooky movie English subtitled on http://www.czechsouvenirs.com/. We deliver worldwide...

I didn't find the bluray version on there, did I miss something or do I have to wait till the berlin thing? (incidentally, Im going to be in berlin in june, any chance of it being then?)

captain robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 41

Jazz Lover

« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2011, 04:17:33 pm »

It's sad that English paperback version wasn't released.  Cry
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 12:03:33 am by Horseman » Logged

Ars longa, vita brevis (Hippocrates)
King Bot
citizen robot
Posts: 9

« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2011, 07:08:04 pm »

Where the heck can you find this movie in English subtitles in Green Bay?
Global Moderator
mayor robot
Posts: 665

« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2011, 07:44:53 pm »

Quote from: King Bot
Where the heck can you find this movie in English subtitles in Green Bay?


Update (December 2011):
The new English dub as well as the original subtitled version are available via Jan Svěrák’s eBAY store "biografjs".  
On a personal note: I have ordered several items from this source and was amazed how quickly and safely they traveled from the Czech Republic to the U.S.!  

« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 09:25:07 pm by Alex » Logged
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2013, 07:50:33 pm »

The English dubbed DVD seems to have vanished from the internet! A lot of dead links and closed shops!

Any news? What's the situation? I'm quite confused now....
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2013, 10:17:35 pm »

The English dubbed DVD seems to have vanished from the internet!

Yeah, it seems that way.
You might want to attempt to contact biografjs on eBay and ask him if he has any more for sale.
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