I don't mean to insult anybody but if this is your idea of fun or if solving these kind of manual tasks create feelings of satisfaction for you - than I just don't know what to say
It is fun and satisfying to overcome a difficult passage.
Take exams for instance it's so much stress, angst and I don't know what. But once you successfully pass it you get a feeling of satisfaction, joy and confidence. I would talk for hours afterwards to explain what I did there and why I did that...
Of course I'm not saying Machinarium is like an exam by far not, it's more fun and relaxing before anything else.
I was expecting the game to have some nice puzzles and difficulty. That's what I was looking forward to and got served well in the end.
This doesn't look like your kind of game and that's fine, there are plenty others available. But maybe one day you will come back on your opinion (aka getting past this damn mini-game!)