just stretch the robot so he can reach the leaf and click on the leaf

Actually these "puzzles" are quite easy to beat... You just have to ask yourself, for example "what would
I do if a big leaf covered my visual?"
I know of many ppl getting stuck trying to click every possible spot and to combine random objects in the inventory (and eventually give up or open the walkthru), well thank God this is not the way Machinarium is intended to be played

Some puzzles are tricky, like the pipes one where you have to figure out each and every possible water path, but some trial & error helps.
Others may be a little more difficult but usually get sorted out while you play... Or while you sleep

You may have some hard time in solving "mini-puzzles", like videogame #2 with those C-shaped pieces.
If there is a sequel I hope they will not increase in difficult/number. They are well balanced in the game context and most importantly keeps you from rushing to the end
