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February 07, 2025, 05:36:46 am

Question: Is there enough puzzles for the price?  (Voting closed: April 23, 2010, 11:35:12 pm)
Too many puzzles - 0 (0%)
More than enough - 3 (75%)
Not quite enough - 0 (0%)
Far too few - 0 (0%)
Neded double the amount - 1 (25%)
Total Voters: 4

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Author Topic: Is there enough puzzles for the prize?  (Read 13818 times)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« on: April 20, 2010, 11:35:12 pm »

Great game, love the puzzles, music and atmosphere, but i felt the game was far too short. There should have been at least double the amount of puzzles for the amount paid. What do you think?
noble citizen robot
Posts: 37

« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 07:11:20 am »

I think the gameplay in Machinarium is very well balanced between solving puzzles and finding / using objects. And if the game was bigger / longer, we had to wait much more time before we were able to play it  Smiley
space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 10:47:52 am »

Don't want to be rude but I think this topic makes little sense.
Also the poll is missing a "The game is worth every penny" option (and maybe a "I actually payed for the online version, the collector's edition and the OST LP and I'm happy)
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 05:58:16 pm »

The $10 rule strikes again  Shocked

While it would be great if it had been longer it makes up for that with atmosphere and style.
I can understand the problem if you are mainly playing it for the puzzles, but that won't affect everyone. I thought the price was fine.
citizen robot
Posts: 17

« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 01:16:55 am »

As work of art, I find Machinarium really cheap. It's even cheaper, than DVD with some 90minute movie.. Machinarium took me approximately 5 hours:)

little robot
Posts: 5

« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2010, 03:55:27 pm »

I would say: 'Yes, definitely!'

The puzzles is not the only reason why I play this game though. I play this game because it looks beautiful, the sounds are amazing, the music is fantastic and it makes me feel very sad and happy at the same time.

I bought this game at christmas at a discount prize, and to be honest: I'm going to have a look if I can find the retail edition with poster, box,..
That is going to get a nice spot in my room, so that everyone who enters my room will say: "Damn, that's beautiful.. Where is it from?"
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