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Author Topic: Machinarium Artwork for University Event Poster  (Read 20530 times)
« on: October 29, 2010, 03:48:43 am »

A wonderful good Morning from Australia/Perth.[

Before I've created this new topic I've looked ofcourse around for a proper e-mail to contact (which nicely stated: please don't write us, we need to work). So therefore this public topic Smiley

It's about following -> I used the wonderful artwork from Jakub Dvorsky for a poster and wanted to ask for an approval. I know that you guys are facing heaps of problems with infringements, I'm asking for your official 'okay', because I want to stick to the rules and honor your work.

That's what we're doing:
I'm studying Mechatronics and helping out with an event we're organizing here called "robofair". This event contents out of three smaller ones. The first and most interesting is called: iNexus, which is the national robotics championship (Mechatronics/Engineering students from all over Australia build robots and compete here in Perth, following are two links about the scenario/problem they need to solve http://www.techfest.org/competitions/mars_manoeuvre/ and a video from last years event http://news.curtin.edu.au/lead-story/inexus-update-curtins-robots-are-ready-to-take-on-the-world/.
The second event is a little careers fair in which we try to get engineering students into the robotics industry
And the maybe most important one is: Junior robotics.
We're getting highschool and primary students to attend the event to get intouch with this robotics-world, to inspire them (and their parents)and maybe to help them with their "what do I want to become"-decision.

So as you see, this is a University event, no profits involved, only creating a forum for likeminded people Smiley

And that's why I created this attached Poster.
I planned to print also some little flyers with the same picture and a larger link to your website, to do some advertising for your game. Maybe you have already some files you may could send me if you overall agree to this poster.

So okay, enough text.
Send you my best regards from Perth and hope to hear/read from you soon!


« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 07:44:19 am by ABoretz » Logged
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2010, 02:39:58 am »

Quote from: Curtinrobotics

I planned to print also some little flyers with the same picture and a larger link to your website, to do some advertising for your game. Maybe you have already some files you may could send me if you overall agree to this poster.

Hi Eric.
Though I'm not one of the developers I think I can speak for them when I say, "Thanks for the advertising!"   Grin

You may not hear from JD himself about your request for image files any time soon as it's been a while since he's checked in here (hopefully because he's working on Amanita's next project) so I'd suggest that you go ahead with the files you currently have and just please do provide a link to the Machinarium homepage (http://www.machinarium.net) somewhere on your ads. 

Good luck with the robofair!


« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 03:04:32 am »

Hi Eric.
Though I'm not one of the developers I think I can speak for them when I say, "Thanks for the advertising!"   Grin

...and just please do provide a link to the Machinarium homepage (http://www.machinarium.net) somewhere on your ads. 

Good Morning Alex (well it´s morning over here in pretty, windy Perth),

thank you for your quick reply! And yes as stated, I´ll use the same background with a nice quote from the mainpage, put the website below and print at the same time some take-with-you flyers.

Do you reckon that I´ll get also an "official okay" or should I rather send a e-mail to the busy developers?


PS: and whoever is interested, this is a short promotionvideo on facebook of our very cool venue, http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/video/video.php?v=114372685292958
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 08:43:28 am »

Quote from: Curtinrobotics

Do you reckon that I´ll get also an "official okay" or should I rather send a e-mail to the busy developers?

To get an "official okay" you'd best write to contact ~at~ amanitadesign.com... and then... wait.  (but, as I said, since you already intend to include the appropriate Machinarium homepage URL on your poster you can be sure that Amanita Design are not gonna complain)


PS: and whoever is interested, this is a short promotionvideo on facebook of our very cool venue, http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/video/video.php?v=114372685292958

Is that video also posted on YouTube?  (anyone ~ such as myself ~ not on Facebook can't otherwise see it)

black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 183

« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2010, 01:00:48 pm »

hi Eric,
of course you have our permission - you can use the picture for your poster.

« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 12:46:30 am »

Aaaah... sorrryyyyyyyyyyy!

My great university put "games" under a webfilter so I couldn´t access this forum for a while :|

So I got some news!
We started lately with the distribution of our posters and got GREAT feedback on the design, i.e. jakub´s wonderful artwork.

We had a couple of employees coming into our office and asking us if they could have some extra posters for their children and grandchildren.

More awesome news: we gonna have a newspaper advertisment in "The west" (means probably nothing to you). However said our marketing department that we need another "official approval for this newspaper" from you guys.
The catch is that we´re not able to feature the name machinarium on the ad, because there wouldn´t be space to print it properly and every extra letter costs extra money.

Well this certainly gives you then promotion but people won´t know of your game but I´ve talked to my supervisor and he agreed to
1. put posters and flyers around the venue with your name
2. we make a mixed video of robot stuff which will run on large screens during the event, I also want to put some youtube videos from Machinarium into this mixed video. Probably with a text like: "check out the acclaimed game, machinarium.net" and then some of the quotes you have too on the main website.

SO! It would be great if you could send me a reply on my e-mail: e.holst-at-student.curtin.edu.au because as written: I don´t have any access more from uni ;(

I keep you updated about further progress and send you then more videos like those:


« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 04:31:50 pm »

It had been now a while! (sorry, was sick, had exams, the project, flight back home etc etc. forgot about this topic here)

Curtin Robofair 2011 happened on the 4th December and it was a huge success!! We had about 600+ visitors to which we all distributed advertisment flyer for Machinarium! Infact we planned to have also a little stall in which kids could play the game, but we had so many exhibitors that there was simply no space left!!

But we try to get this organized for next year!!

This is first of all a thank you video from us Cheesy

and if you´re keen to see more, a short summary of the robofair under the next link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ53wdyTOdQ
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