A wonderful good Morning from Australia/Perth.[
Before I've created this new topic I've looked ofcourse around for a proper e-mail to contact (which nicely stated: please don't write us, we need to work). So therefore this public topic

It's about following -> I used the wonderful artwork from Jakub Dvorsky for a poster and wanted to ask for an approval. I know that you guys are facing heaps of problems with infringements, I'm asking for your official 'okay', because I want to stick to the rules and honor your work.
That's what we're doing:
I'm studying Mechatronics and helping out with an event we're organizing here called "robofair". This event contents out of three smaller ones. The first and most interesting is called: iNexus, which is the national robotics championship (Mechatronics/Engineering students from all over Australia build robots and compete here in Perth, following are two links about the scenario/problem they need to solve
http://www.techfest.org/competitions/mars_manoeuvre/ and a video from last years event
The second event is a little careers fair in which we try to get engineering students into the robotics industry
And the maybe most important one is: Junior robotics.
We're getting highschool and primary students to attend the event to get intouch with this robotics-world, to inspire them (and their parents)and maybe to help them with their "what do I want to become"-decision.
So as you see, this is a University event, no profits involved, only creating a forum for likeminded people

And that's why I created this attached Poster.
I planned to print also some little flyers with the same picture and a larger link to your website, to do some advertising for your game. Maybe you have already some files you may could send me if you overall agree to this poster.
So okay, enough text.
Send you my best regards from Perth and hope to hear/read from you soon!