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Author Topic: Does the machinarium game maker offen go to this forum?  (Read 20149 times)
citizen robot
Posts: 12

« on: December 08, 2010, 06:35:32 am »

Hi Game Maker:
        I just want to know the Amanita design member who make this machinarium great game offen go to the forum?
        When will the machinarium 2 come out?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 09:35:06 am »

If I would be a maker of a game I would visit my board to see my fans Cheesy. But yea it's a good question, maybe a moderator can answer it Wink
space invader
Posts: 109

« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2010, 06:19:13 pm »

According to this information (http://gamestar.ru/article/1410.html), there will be no Machinarium 2...
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 07:16:21 pm »

Quote from: Mariya
According to this information (http://gamestar.ru/article/1410.html), there will be no Machinarium 2...

Indeed!  Shocked

For clarification, Mariya is referring to the title of the article which reads:
Якуб Дворски: «Наша следующая игра – это точно не Machinarium 2»

which Bable Fish translated as:
"Yakub of Dvorski: 'Our following game - this is accurate not Machinarium 2'"

And to answer your original question, sharpstill, JD visits this forum very infrequently now that he is working on the new game.  (but the mods here are always glad to be of assistance)   Grin

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 08:16:32 pm by ABoretz » Logged
space invader
Posts: 109

« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 07:09:08 am »

In details, the article runs:

Jakub Dvorsky: «Our next game is definitely not Machinarium 2»

In game industry ocean there sail not only big frigates of big companies, catching hearts and wallets of players, but also small boats of independent romantics who perceive the world easier and innovatively at once. Among such romantics, for sure, is Czech creator Jakub Dvorsky, who made brilliant projects Samorost, Samorost 2 and Machinarium, and recently we were happy to make his interview.   

Jakub appreciates freedom and independence most of all

Jakub, you graduated Academy of arts, architecture and design. Why did you finally decide to create games, not pictures or cartoon animation?

I grew up with illustrated books and cartoons which I still like very much, but except them in my life there were computer games (my first computer - Atari 800XE), and I liked them much more. In games you have practically the same possibilities for creativity as in films, and something more – a chance to involve in creative process the player himself, who therefore becomes a part of gaming world. I think that still there known little about games as of art type, and that is why they are so incredibly fascinating to create.

You chose a cozy place at the periphery of game industry and create small masterpieces that warm souls of esthetes and simple admirers of quests. But would you like, just for interest, to deal with big project. For example, to develop Czech answer to Grim Fandango or Syberia.

I suppose Machinarium by it’s size is quiet corresponding to Syberia. You are sure right, it is not as big as Grim Fandango and many other games. But we like more the projects of smaller size: at first, it is possible to make them with small team in reasonable times (creation of Machinarium took three years), secondly, I think that today there appeared tendency to make shorter games, because most players have no patience to waste weeks for walkthrough of one project. I like small titles, because you can play them up to end even if you are very busy and don’t want to sit beside computer all the leisure time.

All games by Amanita Design are associated only and exclusively with you (also with Tomas Dvorak, may be). Are the rest members of your studio offended with less attention?

You better ask them, but I guess that they are satisfied, as they are enough popular. For example, Vaclav Blin is one of the best modern Czech animators, and everyone here knows that. The same for Adolf Lachman – he is very respected artist, he has plenty of fans worldwide. And one more thing: we really do not seek fame.

What is the state of game industry in Czech Republic?

I am not informed well of this issue, but I can say definitely that for such small country the scale of local gaming is rather big. Czech branch of 2K is finishing work on Mafia 2, here there located studios of Bohemia Interactive (Operation Flashpoint, Arma), Centauri Production (Memento Mori), Future Games (Nibiru: Age of Secrets) and several other less known companies.

Jakub with friends. He is damn alike to William Wright here

Game industry is a continent where indie developers found their place. From your point, what is the reason of sales rise and production rise of indie things in the last years. Are the players and developers tired of big hits causing vomiting? 

Looks like there is the only reason: big companies develop big games, budgets of which become even bigger. But they don’t want to bear risks and to experiment, so in fact they just improve those lines which they already have. And as for independent developers, they have to experiment, to try to create something new and innovative. Another reason is digital distribution, which allowed small independent studios to create games on their own and with acceptable prices.

Are you going to enlarge the team of Amanita Design?

May be, but not that much. Now we are seven, and we need one person to work with us on the next project.

Is there a chance that Amanita Design somewhen will do console game? For example, Flower for Play Station 3 proved that platform is not an obstacle for idea development.

Yes, we’re going to port Machinarium for several other platforms.

Are you satisfied with Machinarium sales? Shall we wait for a new meeting with Joseph?

Sales shifted our expectations, so we are very glad and happy that we’ll be possible to continue our activity not being dependent of somebody. I will not reveal anything of our next project, as it is not clearly defined yet. I can only state that it won’t be Machinarium 2.

Quests are possibly the optimum genre for artist to self-express. Do you find quests to be art? Is it possibly to compare games with movies, literature, theatre?

No doubt. For me games are a kind of expressive means, just as movie, literature or theater. Moreover, it is a new type of art which presents perfect possibilities for investigation and within the limits of which it is possible to create awesome works. Games are just waiting for enthusiastic creator who will move aside the borders of this art and to show that it can be perceived more seriously.

How can you characterize yourself? Do you imply some features of your character, viewpoints, sense of humor in heroes of your games?

I would say yes, but I do it without purpose. I think every designer, animator or graphic artist subconsciously puts a part of him in his works.

What genres of games do you play usually? Which project impressed and buzzed you the last time?   

I prefer quests, RPG, strategies. I don’t have much time, unfortunately, but I liked much Little Big Planet, Noby Noby Boy and World of Goo. Also recently I was impressed by two fantastic indie games: Windosill (http://windosill.com/) and Limbo (http://www.limbogame.org/). I had a chance to try them being a jury member at IGF. Also I would like to play The Last Guardian from Team Ico.

Jakub finds games to be art, but as all developers, he does not play often

What are your hobbies beside games? Are you a traveler? Which books did you read the last time?

Apart from games, I’m doing industrial design and sometimes illustrations, as for leisure time, I like to sit in a pub and communicate with friends (they are real people), I walk in forests, do rock climbing, skies, reading (two days ago I read “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy – it’s astonishing).

You watched «Avatar»? What are your impressions? 3D today is actively conquering game industry also. What’s your point? Is it a vogue trend or the future of media industry? 

I watched and I liked it very much, I speak generally of art side, animation and 3D technologies. I guess that 3D multimedia is unavoidable step forward, but not the only one, not everybody and not always want to immerse in 3D movies or games, there still exist many other entertainments – more simple technologically – where 3D is not necessary. And I am still sure that form is not most important, but the content (powerful plot, idea or just pleasure).

One of the most simple and still most true questions which player-reader-spectator may ask the author… Where do you take ideas?

Nearly everywhere: nature, people, books, movies, games, music, dreams, old ideas and so on.

Thanks for your time.

Thanks for your questions.


It is easy to mention that Jakub is not a chatterbox man. He is serious, laconic, moderate and therefore even more enigmatic. Machinarium is successful, sales shifted the expectations, and it means that Dvorsky will present us the new games which we are impatiently waiting for.
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 07:54:14 pm »

Thanks for the excellent translation Mariya! 

black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2010, 09:06:47 pm »

Apart from games, I’m doing industrial design and sometimes illustrations, as for leisure time, I like to sit in a pub and communicate with friends (they are real people), I walk in forests, do rock climbing, skies, reading (two days ago I read “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy – it’s astonishing).
Hmmm, could this be perchance a dig at the internet and its many fine forums?
Demn that man and his healthy lifestyle!
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