I've been using Flash for many years and only just found out Machinarium is flash based... so i have a few questions! I think other people will be interested too...
1) Do you guys use Action Script 2.0 or 3.0 for the game?
2) Why use the odd resolution of 1250 x 790, instead of 1280 x 800, or 1280 x 720?
3) Why are you not using a standard widescreen aspect ratio of 16:10 (PC) or 16:9 (TV)? is it because 1250 x 790 is somewhere inbetween these ratios so your reasoning is that it's better to just have very slight bars on both 16:9 and 16:10 screens?
4) Are all images bitmap based? is there any vector graphics at all in the game?
5) Does the game use any of the latest Flash features, like GPU acceleration?
Thanks for your time