Well the games finally out, and yes I'm pretty much a happy camper.

... but!?

I have some issues with it, and don't want to discuss it in a rating in the App World.
Anyways, on the 4th puzzle stage, this fat robber looking robot appears. Then you have to do something with a control box, for a crane mechanism. Although once you stop using that control box, the/a clicking noise repeatidly goes off, everytime you have to go back to it. Playing loops over and over again. Finding myself clueless on that stage, and then leaving the game because of that rumpuss.

I haven't passed that spot yet, but that's the only issue I have that needs attention.
On the other hand. If I could help develop or suggest something about this game and OS. I'd suggest (wish) you guys could hide the toolbar (with the; save, load, collectable items), and put it where QNX's top app finger gesture is. Which in some apps, you could swipe down from the top of the bezel. Giving you a more native OS feel, and room for screen play.
Last thing I'll ask... besides speeding and saving memory, why did you guys cut some of the scene from the intro? Like I said I haven't got that far into the game, but makes me feel I'll notice other missing items.

Anyways, I've said alot already. I hope someone like before can address my concerns, or gets back to me. Also, I really enjoy the game, which is why I support and give my feedback!