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February 09, 2025, 02:03:44 am

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Author Topic: Yes I have downloaded this game pirate..But I regret...  (Read 9788 times)
little robot
Posts: 3

« on: September 11, 2011, 07:47:44 pm »

:/ Yes it is true that I downloaded this game pirate...I am 15 years old I have not finished this game and I think it is the most awesome game I have ever played!...I am also drawing..I think I loved this game because It looks like my drawing style...Is there anywhere that we can post fan art? I would love to..Now I really regreted that I donwloaded pirate this game..And I want to support the team...Now the only problem is that I dont have a credit card! And my father dont want to type his credit card.. (he is afraid of stealing his number etc.)...Now From what I seen you can not but is there any way to pay with .. paysafe ? Or with mobile? I would love to!...Can also tell me the story of the studios created all of those great games? ..... I am willing to support the team with 50 euros...I have downloaded world of goo and machinarum pirate..Both awesome games....

Thanks and a great well done for the cleverness of the studio created this piece of art!...EVERYONE Did an awesome job..Music? Perfect....Graphics? Blacky like it should be!....SOund? just sit down and hear it for hours....

Global Moderator
mayor robot
Posts: 665

« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2011, 12:11:41 am »

There's an entire section devoted to "Fan Art" and we'll be glad to see what you've done if you post it there.

As for your pirating... we've all done it, kostis.  Even JD admitted to doing some when he was young and poor.  So, since you can't send your 50 euros to Amanita Design, hows about you send it to Alex.moderator.com and I can assure you that your funds wilI hope you all know that this is a joke!    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

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