It was in there but he somehow managed to get rid of it when he was climbing the lamppost. Starting again would seem the best option but how do I do this?
I don't have an iPAD on which to play Machinarium (I've only seen
this video walkthrough someone posted here).
The part with the cones comes at about 3:30 into that video. Perhaps this is a question of doing things in a specific order.

Or it could be a bug that Amanita Design should know about. If you're so inclined you could tell them about your problem via the "Support" form, here: Or be patient as a "fix" is in the works.
As for re-starting, I can't help you there. (i can't imagine why the devs didn't put a "New Game" option at the top of the screen along with the "About", "Save", & "Load" buttons!)