First of all, i adore Samorost and have already pre-ordered Machinarium... you guys are awesome!
When i open Samorost 2 on my mac, Flash asks me for authorisation of Local Storage.
I agree and restart Samorost 2 just to be sure.
I enter the code "PLANINA" to get to the 2nd chapter, but then i am stuck:
clicking on the parachute on the ground simply makes the parachute's button disappear without actually releasing the dog.
i can then no longer click on the parachute, the cursor remains an arrow...
i can do the "butterfly > leaf > turn over bug" thing, but with my little guy still hanging there, it's not much use...
thinking that it might have something to do w/ variables from previous levels being needed, i loaded the last level of chapter 1.
here, everything works fine, till i pass through the elevator:
i get a split-second glimps of a loading bar, then a black screen...
after that, restarting Samorost gives me a black screen after hitting "play"...
i can still load levels, but they are all broken.
(for example: the first level of chapter 1 simply shows the robot sitting, but the rocket never arrives, so i can do nothing)
i don't want to raise a fuss, but i've paid money for this game, and it's not behaving!

i realize i can wait till tomorrow and play Machinarium, but that still leaves me with a broken game i've never even gotten to interact with...
there's a problem w/ loading levels, and now local storage has somehow recorded bad data, since anywhere i place the samorost icon to maybe remove the Local Storage connection, i still get the black screen after "play" and loading broken levels...
i also re-installed to make sure nothing in the package had been broken, but no luck