Had the same worry, my screen won't go > 1024x600, but like the previous poster found that my game was saved automatically. I'm dying to know what other joys are in the menu though...
Since my problem was that games weren't being saved I figured it was all because of the missing menu...
But then felicius' post that the game automagically saves when you exit made me look at other postings about saved games and find the Flash setting about amount of local save space allowed. Since mine was set to 0 that was why there weren't any saved games. This was unrelated to the Firefox extensions and other privacy programs folks were having problems with, this was a basic Flash player setting.
Once I got that fixed I was able to play the game like Felicius and you, with just the automagic save at exit.
But I found a way, since I run OS X on my netbook, to run the entire application scaled down to %76 of real size allowing me to see the menu. Since I was curious what I was missing too

So here you go:
An about and credits tab.
A save game choice leading to 6 slots, each with a graphic preview of the page being saved.
A load game choice, leading to the above 6 slots.
A view at 80% vs 100%% choice.
A fullscreen or not checkbox
A sound level slider.
An explicit exit option.