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January 29, 2025, 06:43:43 am

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Author Topic: Grrr frusterated! Touchpad too slow to kill red eye bugs -last level  (Read 34623 times)
little robot
Posts: 5

« on: September 23, 2012, 10:18:28 pm »

 Cry does anyone have a tip --I am not to coordinated and cannot finish beating the  5 eyed plane-creatures no matter what I do! It took my about 100 times to beat the worm who stole the sun. Is there a way to do this wtihout a mouse? I am on MACBOOK PLUS with LION O/s

I am so anxious and frustrated I feel like screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I love botanical and machinarium so much)
Global Moderator
mayor robot
Posts: 665

« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 05:39:23 am »

Quote from: whatpoppywants

I am so anxious and frustrated I feel like screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I love botanical and machinarium so much)

Please, take a deep breath!       In.....  Shocked   then Ouuuuut!    Tongue

We already had one person write to this forum who because of a handicap could ONLY use a touchpad and got stuck at the "Worm Maze" puzzle in Botanicula.  The solution that a kind forum member provided for them was to upload a saved-game file that they could load onto their computer so that the puzzle was already solved for them and they could play on.

The same could be done for you.  ( Machinarium players already have such a repository of saved games and something like that might be possible for Botanicula players as well )

Meanwhile, while we're looking into that possibility... keep breathing!  :~o   And keep trying.  :~)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 06:06:19 pm by Alex » Logged
little robot
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 09:20:58 pm »

I know, seriously Kiss If you or anyone could tell me that would be so fantastical ---how, though? I tried again this morning and keep saying okay, Ill try once more and then again and again.......I should buy a mouse if you guys are going to make more speed/agility games? I like logical puzzles so  much better. thanks, keep me in mind when a solution comes up as Im STUCK
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 03:28:00 am »

I'm having this exact same problem, only it's with the big creature with the tongue at the bottom of the pit. My trackpad just isn't fast enough, so I get eaten over and over again with only 1 or 2 lights left to go. I've tried about 30 times in a row, now i just have to give up. It's such a shame, because I'm so close to the end but this puzzle just isn't possible to solve with a trackpad.
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