I just had the idea to look if there were any t shirts with machinarium, and I see there are

But I think it is really a shame that there isn't one in black. I would love to have a black one with either the band (as on the white one) or if possible something like on the dock icon, but without the rubbish pile, only the characters (and no machinarium on back). Or the cat without background, that would be awesome!
It's just that I really don't like white clothes :/
I heard that cafepress prints on individual order, does anyone know if this means I could mail them and ask if they could do that?
thanks, Frits
EDIT: Ok, so I just saw that you can indeed create your own t-shirts by uploading a photo or artwork, a really cool service! But.. can I use a picture (screenshot/wallpaper/artwork - probably edited a little to remove stuff I don't want), or would that fall under copyright or something?
And, does anyone know a good resolution picture of the cat? The only slightly large one I can find is on the wallpaper but it has it's legs cut off.. does no one have love for the cat?