Anyway, for me the circular cursor shows up quite readily whenever I move the mouse pointer near the cycle generator. Hopefully this is just a confluence of confused chips and bits on your laptop that will force you to find a "sweet spot" where the cursor will finally appear. Keep Trying!
You must also remember to hold your left mouse button down as you "spin" the pedals. Holding = "holding".

Good luck!
LOL I'm thinking of duct taping that left mouse button down!

Many thanks for the speedy response, Alex.

Windows 8.1 often makes me wish I'd stayed with XP.

I've spent hours trying the mouse cursor everywhere possible but, as you say, it may well be either it's that small a spot to find or Microsoft has to fix a glitch in their compatibility between the game & the Windows 8.1 OS (Machinarium is sold as an app in the Microsoft 'Store' - I wish I'd checked Humble Bundle first).
I'll try again... also see if changing cursor sets make any difference... if no luck with that, then I'll try & get Amanita & Microsoft to check on a possible compatability problem...
Thanks again... I'll report back in case this happens for any other Win 8/8.1 users.
Back again!

Well, after trying the demo game I now know that Windows 8/8.1 version isn't showing
any of the helpful cursors that are supposed to appear, no hand, no walking feet, no circular cursor,
nothing except the extended arrow occasionally! So I think I've done pretty well in getting as far as the Arcade Room without that built in help.

something has to be done to fix this in Win 8/8.1... either Microsoft or Amanita or both have to fix this as Microsoft has made it impossible to access app game files for a DIY fix (I think the suggestion in the below post about the built in Flash file in Macharium being too outdated for Win 8.1 highly likely - but no way to install an updated stand alone version

I've posted here; on Windows/Microsoft Gaming Support (useless really, MS just ignores posts there

), also reported the app in the MicroSoft Store as well as in the app Review in the MS Store - which BTW is charging $4.99 US for it when MS's link for Machinarium from Amanita's site says it's on sale for $2.99!! SHEESH!

So.... Is my only solution to uninstall Machinarium & make MS give me a refund? I've had to do this before with Microsoft apps since going with the 8.1 upgrade - MS simply ignores customer problems...

I'm hoping Amanita will show them how to treat customers politely & get this sorted - I'll give it two days for a response from either &, if none is forthcoming, then it's uninstall & refund.