Samorost... the first browser-based point-and-click-adventure?
I don't know the answer to that specific question, but that's an important qualifier: "browser-based", because (as I'm sure you know) once upon a time CD-ROM based point and click adventure/tutorial/etc. projects used to be all the rage (I worked on one myself). Ours was, as were many others, developed using Macromedia's "Director" animation program. (the Wikipedia entry on Macromedia seems pretty informative, check it out...
Some really cool titles were released back then (Peter Gabriel's "Xplora 1" & Laurie Anderson's "Puppet Motel" come to mind). But along came "Flash" and greater broadband access and the history of this artform has marched on from there, leaving CD-ROM games to eBAY auction lots or Salvation Army dollar bins. {sigh} Oh well, the past is dust.

I suggest you make contact with the folks that conducted and posted that interview with JD and send them some specific questions: or ~'s a very interesting topic you've chosen for your diploma subject. Good luck!