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Author Topic: Sincere (and voluminous) praise to the creators of Machinarium and Samorost  (Read 19429 times)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« on: November 15, 2009, 03:17:17 am »

Hello, Salut !
I feel the urge to say something to the creators of MACHINARIUM, but I
do not know where to send this message  Therefore, however futile as my opinion might be for them or the participants of this blog (I hope not to annoy anybody), I will do it here.

I fell in love with your creation !
Your games
Your art
Your “chef d’oeuvres”

The poetry
The atmosphere
The hypnotic and addictive music
The sound design
The media cocktails of sumptuous pictures and living drawings,
The unique and charming characters
The deliciously stimulating puzzles
The subtle deep touches among which, the eternity sign chosen as a symbol of a church, is my favorite.
The magic!

The first time I saw a snapshot of “Machinarium” in an American magazine, I knew I wanted to discover it. Upon finishing it after witnessing a constant stream of brilliant moments, I started playing Samorost 2. I quickly realized that I needed to discover “Samorost “ beforehand, so I made the journey.

Before I go back to visit the worlds you have created, I want to say this:
The last time I played a “video game” which I felt TRULY deserved to be called a masterpiece of art, it was “OKAMI” on PS2.

I am thrilled to have discovered this Mine of jewels called AMINATA!

Cogito Ergo Sum

Nicolas ziajko.
citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 16

Behave, babe

« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 11:02:38 pm »

Good day to those who are now readings these lines,

at first I just want to say that i agree with Z´s writings...well, partly!!!  Cheesy
The fact that i finished Machinarium some minutes ago doesn´t it make unnecessary to tell the Creators that i loved it so much (even though i had to use that little book in the upper right corner of the game), but never mind i just felt in love with this game. it is really awesome, really
really really really   Everything fits in perfectly.  i haven´t got anything to say anymore...ahhh, one thing i just started to check out your other flash makings and i  hope the effect will be as good as in machinarium

P.S. please forgive me bad grammar and sentence-consructionz
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2009, 06:22:43 am »

I totally agree with the above users regarding all comments on this most wonderful little game.   I has been a pleasure to play a game that has no bugs, squeaks, hang-ups.  The story is wonderful, no useless dialogue, saving and reloading was absolutely wonderful.  The art and graphics, music was very clever and imaginative.  I wish it could have gone on longer.

Please continue to make these wonderful games for us and don't worry about the BIG guys out there.  You have a wonderful team and I send you all the kudos I can.

Thank you so much for this wonderful game

Diane- USA - NH
little robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 4

Чудотворец был высокого роста

« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 06:59:51 pm »

Я из России... я и тоже получаю кайф от этх игр!!!! BRAVO!!!! Wink Smiley Smiley Grin Cool

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