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Author Topic: trouble executing Machinarium Linux Xandros 4.5  (Read 22329 times)
Jon A.
little robot
Posts: 4

« on: November 28, 2009, 05:22:06 am »

I am running Xandros 4.5 with the latest service pack.  When I execute
in console or other shell or by file manager I get report as follows.
This is copied directly from the generic command shell

XAN160GB:~/Desktop/Machinarium# ./Machinarium
./Machinarium: error while loading shared libraries: libnss3.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I did a search for libnss3.so and found it in 2 places on my system. 
usr/lib/firefox/          and    usr/thunderbird/  Do I need place a
copy somewhere in the Machinarium directory or list it's location in
some sort of  config file or something?   Quite new to Linux but trying

Any suggestins well appriciated.

FYI   In Firefox web browser there is no problem playing the on line
demo, it loadsimidiatly without any issues.  I did not download the demo
and try to install.

I tried putting a copy of libnss3.so in the Macinariun directory with no success.

Any suggestions welcom

Thanks, Jon

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space invader
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Posts: 107

pains-aux-raisins-based life-form.

« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 10:07:09 am »

Hi Smiley
Try to put libnss3.so in /usr/lib instead of in the Machinarium folder.
You can also install this deb packageWink
citizen robot
Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2009, 12:49:52 am »

Try to install package nss.
Jon A.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2009, 02:36:59 am »

All better now,  For rite or wrong I copied all 16 libxxxxx files from usr/lib/thunderbird to usr/lib.

I didn't run the .deb link as it didn't say it was speificly for Xandros 4.5 OCE.  Even on the update CD for X4.5 I didn't see available nss package avalable. 

 Program takes about 40 seconds  before menu begins to work.  Also the esc key will not force full screen to window. 

Anyone think I ave other config problems or is it a bug? 

Anyway,   Thanks to all who helped. Jon
Global Moderator
space invader
Gender: Male
Posts: 107

pains-aux-raisins-based life-form.

« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2009, 01:35:07 pm »

For the first issue, try to deactivate hardware acceleration in the Flash settings panel (accessible through a right click on the game).  Roll Eyes
For the Esc key, this is the standalone Flash player for Linux which shows the message at the beginning, not Machinarium, and it doesn't work. Use the bottom menu bar to window.  Smiley
Jon A.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2009, 07:16:24 am »

Ok things better now.  Minor other issue, I can only get the game to run while logged in under root and then exicuting in console.  If I run under any regular user accout from a bash console it snaps a screen 80% of the monitor as one would expect, then goes full screen but then fails to run.  The begining program and sound work but the buttons will not function properly and it then locks.  If I set up a short cut with icon on any user desktop similar situation happens but it locks much quicker with out any sound or graphics drawn to screen, just big and  black, obvoiusly did try to start.   I am new to Linux so I probobly are doing something wrong. I am running Xandros 4.5OCE with the latest service pack it is based on Debian etch.  Program is located in //root/Programs/Machinarium.  I have tried //root/Programs/Machinarium/./Machinarium and  //root/Programs/Machinarium/Machinarium with same results.  I have the short cut and the file and folder permissions set for the correct user as far as I know best.  Not to importaint but it would be cool to know how to do it.  Thanks, Jon
Global Moderator
space invader
Gender: Male
Posts: 107

pains-aux-raisins-based life-form.

« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2009, 10:27:52 am »

In fact, set up a shortcut for Machinarium on Linux is just a little bit more complex than that. See the topic "Create a launcher on Linux". Wink
In your case, the command that should works in the launcher is :
bash -c "cd //root/Programs/Machinarium/ && ./Machinarium"

You will have to move your savegame (see "Create a launcher on Linux" or "I lost my saved games after using a launcher" in the Linux FAQ). Smiley

By the way, //root/Programs is a strange path, probably a Xandros-only thing.  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 10:31:05 am by Nicosmos » Logged
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