Makes me want to try to make one of those computer games that I've been fantasizing about for years myself...
Yes, me too! I started doodling and figuring out some puzzles, environment sets, graphic engine... But don't have any idea about the characters, the story, the music and so on. Knowing that it took 3 years Amanita design to polish Machinarium, I uspect that I'll give up soon

I have the exact opposite problem.
I have a very general idea how programming and stuff works,
but my area of expertise is more in the music, writing and art/design stuff. I'm a musician by trade, aspiring writer (ie - i like the idea of people taking my writing serious some day, but don't really apply my talents constructively/i'm a lazy bum) and have always wanted to make games. I just didn't know how to take a story or characters or art ideas and make it into a game.