It is very rare that I play this type of game, since the days when Myst came out and I got stuck for days in one location, unable to move forward or backwards.
What changed my mind?
I was captivated by the graphics, the humor that came across both in the game play, graphics and music/sound accompaniment. It felt like a cartoon game for adults, from the first screen, I was sucked in and spent several hours playing, being fully absorbed.
I was amazed at the fine balance between creating puzzles that make you seem stupid, and ones that are so bizarre, they are stupid. This game finds the right balance, one that suits those hardened puzzle crackers, to the simple logic of children. Despite being over 47 years senior to my son, I am sure he will delight in playing this and showing his Dad a thing or two

I applaud the creators, graphic artists, programmers and all those involved. As a Immersive Environment developer myself for many years, I can see clearly the work that has been poured into this game, yet still be in awestruck at its appearance of being simple, yet very rich in detail. I only hope this is not the last and there is to be a series?
I made a post on the forum, where the game was brought to my attention,