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February 10, 2025, 06:28:37 pm

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Author Topic: Totally delightfully immersive game  (Read 18005 times)
AWM Mars
little rusty robot

Gender: Male
Posts: 1

« on: December 16, 2010, 06:49:55 pm »

It is very rare that I play this type of game, since the days when Myst came out and I got stuck for days in one location, unable to move forward or backwards.

What changed my mind?

I was captivated by the graphics, the humor that came across both in the game play, graphics and music/sound accompaniment. It felt like a cartoon game for adults, from the first screen, I was sucked in and spent several hours playing, being fully absorbed.

I was amazed at the fine balance between creating puzzles that make you seem stupid, and ones that are so bizarre, they are stupid. This game finds the right balance, one that suits those hardened puzzle crackers, to the simple logic of children. Despite being over 47 years senior to my son, I am sure he will delight in playing this and showing his Dad a thing or two  Grin

I applaud the creators, graphic artists, programmers and all those involved. As a Immersive Environment developer myself for many years, I can see clearly the work that has been poured into this game, yet still be in awestruck at its appearance of being simple, yet very rich in detail. I only hope this is not the last and there is to be a series?

I made a post on the forum, where the game was brought to my attention, http://www.neoaxisgroup.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=34534#34534.

Politeness is priceless when recieved, cost nothing to own or give, yet some cannot afford.

« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2010, 09:13:09 am »

Very beautiful words from you AWM Mars. And you're not the only who can say that, we all can say that. This game was made only from hard work, many hours spent to make all the levels and puzzle games, everything. I am not a staff member but I wanted to say this because I just felt like doing it.

little robot
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 11:46:48 pm »

Same games have almost a magical quality about them.  They may not excel in a given area but manage to put everything together in a complete that makes them perfect even when there are notable imperfections.  Resident Evil 4 was one of these games.  I was never a huge fan of the series as I played through several of them and they weren't very scary, the controls and camera angles were awkward plus it got a little monotonous at times.  RE4 never felt stagnant even once.  I ended up playing it through in almost one sitting.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 06:36:09 pm »

The Pretty thing is...

Machinarioum Games its Own Type..
i didnt ever c games like this type before

yes point & click r many but like this?? NO

after beating it since 6 months

i just played it again yesturday and beat it Twice lol
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 01:19:12 pm »

Не подскажете, есть ли русскоязычная версия данной игры?
little robot
Posts: 7

« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 10:43:31 pm »

Машинариум действительно прикольная игра :-) только трудно играть не зная языка, пока все наугад попробуешь..
captain robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 41

Jazz Lover

« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 02:15:19 am »

Fokil, Marina, зачем вы пишите по-русски на англоязычном форуме? Вас понимают единицы. Используйте хотя бы онлайн переводчики http://www.translate.ru/ или http://translate.google.ru/#.

Не подскажете, есть ли русскоязычная версия данной игры?

Разумеется есть. Существует даже сайт русской версии игры: http://www.snowball.ru/machinarium/

Машинариум действительно прикольная игра :-) только трудно играть не зная языка, пока все наугад попробуешь..

В игре "Машинариум" вообще мало слов, не понимаю, в чём могут быть трудности, но если всё-таки они есть, играйте в русскую версию.  Wink
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 02:27:37 am by Horseman » Logged

Ars longa, vita brevis (Hippocrates)
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