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Author Topic: Samorost2 (box version) published in Russia  (Read 99404 times)
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2010, 08:09:06 pm »

Maybe this news will cheer you up?   Wink
"Retail version of Lace Mamba's point-and-clicker to include a 54-page concept art book."

More info here.

citizen robot
Posts: 15

« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2010, 02:40:15 am »

Yep, that sounds great, and I should be able to have it shipped straight to my door! Can't wait!

Maybe they can throuw in the Samorost 2 artbook in the back...  Wink
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 08:13:49 am by syntheticgerbil » Logged
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2010, 07:05:48 am »

Maybe they can throw in the Samarost 2 artbook in the back...  Wink

Yeah, I wish for that too! 
Too bad Snowball Studios was not able to provide you with their Samorost 2 package.  Hopefully some of those sets will surface somewhere somehow...  eBay perhaps??  Undecided

little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2010, 11:58:55 am »

I live in Russia and could possibly try to buy Samorost DVD to send abroad.
citizen robot
Posts: 15

« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2010, 08:52:26 pm »

No luck yet, but if it's any help from anyone, I found three sites that also carry the DVD box set besides Snowball:

I have no idea how to differentiate which one is legit or not, but it *seems* like Akniga ships to the USA since they gave it as an option. I placed my order and they are supposed to get back to me.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2010, 09:46:44 pm »

My brothers wife is Russian so she was able to get  me a copy from Snowball. I love it, if you know someone over there you should really try to get them to send you a copy.Smiley
citizen robot
Posts: 15

« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2010, 09:51:46 pm »

I wish I did know someone. I've asked around the people I do know, but no dice. Also Akniga.ru never got back to me.
citizen robot
Posts: 9

« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2010, 04:23:28 pm »

Look what I got in the mail today! Smiley

Ordered Machinarium at the same time (third time buying that darn game! Wink) thinking it might be a similar deluxe package but it was just a jewel case with a slipcover. It was pretty cheap though so no harm done.

For those wondering I ordered from kniga.ru. Took about two weeks, sent through registered mail, and it was really well-packaged (items inside bubble-wrap inside padded cardboard inside a plastic envelope.) By the way they are selling two different Samorosts; pictured above is the cheaper CD-sized one, I'm assuming the more expensive entry is the DVD-sized edition.
citizen robot
Posts: 15

« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2010, 06:02:56 am »

Paku! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I don't know if you live in the United States or not, but I'm guessing you at least live internationally from Russia. The site you sent accepted my international order! I think it should come with hope. I'll update my status when it arrives, as I got no orders and I paid a small amount extra for a little bit faster air mail, just because I don't want to screw this up. I bought the slightly more expensive version on the kniga.ru site, but I don't know if that's the DVD version or not, because the picture was the same for both versions. The description said it included the art book and all.

I really appreciate you finding a Russian media site that will ship internationally. I've searched the Russian name for Samorost 2 all over and couldn't seem to find one that would ship to the US or even the UK. I also have had saved searches on my Ebay account for over a year now hoping maybe it would turn up on some international Ebay.

Thanks again so much for the find and thank you too, ABoretz, for your help throughout the year on trying to figure out how to order this Samorost set. I guess good things do come to those who wait. This is going to look great next to my Machinarium Collector version. Smiley
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 06:10:18 am by syntheticgerbil » Logged
citizen robot
Posts: 9

« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2010, 11:16:38 pm »

You're welcome.

I actually had some trouble ordering as I tried paying with a Visa card using Verified by Visa, but even though the card was charged, only minutes later it was refunded, and the order was rejected. I'm not sure what happened, maybe the purchase was flagged as suspicious by my bank, but I tried the same procedure the next day and then it worked. The order status was also updated up until "Собран на складе", which I think means it's been packaged but not shipped. Was afraid they were waiting for something or there were some complications, but it arrived a couple of weeks later anyway.

I ordered using airmail as well as it was just a little bit more expensive but probably a lot faster. Anyway, I hope everything turns out all right for you. Smiley
citizen robot
Posts: 15

« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2011, 11:34:26 am »

Hooray! It came in the mail today! The little sketchbook is very neat and also comes with the photos that have many of the elements the backgrounds were made with. Very nice!

That was well worth it, thanks again Paku!
noble citizen robot
Posts: 22

« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2011, 05:20:38 am »

Look what I got in the mail today! Smiley

Ordered Machinarium at the same time (third time buying that darn game! Wink) thinking it might be a similar deluxe package but it was just a jewel case with a slipcover. It was pretty cheap though so no harm done.

For those wondering I ordered from kniga.ru. Took about two weeks, sent through registered mail, and it was really well-packaged (items inside bubble-wrap inside padded cardboard inside a plastic envelope.) By the way they are selling two different Samorosts; pictured above is the cheaper CD-sized one, I'm assuming the more expensive entry is the DVD-sized edition.
WOW, I am trying not to be jealous. I remember the first day I saw a trailer for Machinarium, the very next day I had the retail collector's edition imported from the UK. I was upset that it wasn't released for retail in the U.S.  I actually am just abut to buy the Samorost2 Soundtrack CD from Amanita's store which comes with a PC/MAC version of the game. But I really want to get this Russian version. Love the cover art. I sort of wish they'd let me buy Samorost 1 as a retail copy too, so I can play the game offline.

Question for the person with the link, could you please show me to the proper page to try and buy Samorost2 from Russia? Unless they are sold out, I can't seem to find the product on that site.
space invader
Posts: 109

« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2011, 07:47:48 am »

Here http://www.kniga.ru/soft/328860
or maybe http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4182855/

noble citizen robot
Posts: 22

« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2011, 08:55:04 pm »

Thanks! and just how does 698,00 руб convert to U.S. dollars? Is that Russian Rubles or another currency?

also, I feel dumb asking this, but how exactly do I purchase through here? I know there is probably an add to cart button, but I don't want to accidentally do something I'll regret by messing up. For you others who don't speak Russian, how did you get around?
space invader
Posts: 109

« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2011, 09:04:32 am »

Ozon.ru doesnt ship outside Russia soft and games
as for the second site, follow this masochist procedure www.flickr.com/photos/60236641@N08/
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 09:20:27 am by Mariya » Logged
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