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Author Topic: Step-by-Step Install Instructions for LINUX version of Machinarium (via tar.qz)  (Read 23611 times)
little robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 5

« on: August 18, 2011, 07:08:33 pm »

I need to install Machinarium on my Linux Mint 10 laptop.

I tried just extracting the Machinarium_full_en_v3.tar.gz to my home folder. I can run the game from their, even know the Launcher command-line that works.

cd /home/tecknode/.machinarium/Machinarium ; ./Machinarium

NOTE: I had to manually create folder ".machinarium"

BUT no save games.  I can [Save] but when I exit I cannot [Load].

Searched the entire File System for "Machinarium.sol", no luck.

Note there is no .Machinarium folder as mentioned on some threads. Just the path sited in the Launcher command-line.

So, EXACT (step-by-step) Linux install instructions please Huh


Found out Machinarium works just fine logged-in as ROOT. Including saves. Found "Machinarium.sol" where expected under ROOT's Micromedia-shared.  Copied the shared-folder and contents "Machinarium.sol" to my `tecknode\.micromedis\ shared-folder. Changed all permissions to I for tecknode access (read/write), BUT still could not save Cry
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 09:40:26 pm by tecknomage » Logged

citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 12:22:48 am »

Does this help any? I hope it's not too confusing: http://machinarium.net/forum/index.php/topic,1259.0.html

I can run the game as a normal user and have no issues with saving or loading my progress.

Here is a more updated post on the thread, with an included attachment: http://machinarium.net/forum/index.php/topic,1259.msg8213.html#msg8213
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 02:48:48 pm »

I also noticed you said the file is named Machinarium_full_en_v3.tar.gz.

Is this newer than the version from the Humble Indie Bundle 2? I checked my account, but I still see the same version for download called Machinarium_full_en.tar.gz.
little robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 5

« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 03:25:45 pm »

Thanks to all for replies  Wink

Solved my issues.

  • 1- Where you unpack the tar.qz is not much of an issue
  • 2- Laucher command-line = cd your-home-path/Machinarium ; ./Machinarium works
(CD ~/Machinarium did NOT work for me)
  • 3- The issue with saves is permissions to folders and files

If the app publisher does not provide an install script then the destination folder for saves are likely to NOT have the permissions for user access. They are set for ROOT.

In my case, the save path = /home/tecknode/.macromedia/Flash_Player/#SharedObjects/[code-folder].

The problem WAS [code-folder] had permissions set to ROOT. I logged-in as ROOT and changed the permissions to me (tecknode) and game-saves worked  Grin

Linux app publishers need to take into account that apps installed when you install Linux will have permissions set to ROOT, in this case "macromedia." This is why it's a bad idea to have saves to a Linux-installed folder. Saves should go to a user's Document folder where there should be no problem with permissions.

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