I thought it would be fun to know what everyone likes to read, and there is still some time left until 16th... so
let's fill a bookshelf

I have the feeling that here are probably some into books, so why not sharing some tips by heart.
I start with three authors who wrote phantastic novels that were originally illustrators (except Wells), I think that's kinda fitting here.

As the Amanita games have an escapist touch to me, i go for the escapists:
Alfred Kubin's "Die andere Seite" (The other Side) -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_kubinUnfortunately there is no article on english wiki, to make it short, it can be decribed as dystopic. It's very old style, and it's like reading a fever dream. It's hard to tell a lot about it without spoiling too much, i can only highly recommend it.
Mervyn Peake's "Ghormenghast" -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GormenghastIt has it's lenghts, but it is absorbing and very nice to get lost in it. don't go for the bbc series, they failed the point of the books totally.
and one more classic:
H.G. Well's "The Time Machine" so well known, it probably doesn't need a link.

... as I said, killing some time.