The piece of puzzle has been stolen by the symbiotic bird. The red tool is stuck... somewhere near the hydraulic system
I've no idea of how to get the piece from the bird and already got the red tool near the hydraulic system it must be another around but I can't figure out where

You have a lot to go until you find that sunflower oil ("yellow oil")...
All three red tools should be found in the same room.
Thanks again.

EDIT: There's a hole above the table but when I click it the robot just make a "??" face.
The bird took that piece. try taking the bird down (HINT: notice the bird copies your moves).
I've noted that but I haven't found a way to make he drop the piece.
Well, you're not supposed to get the music player from the bar, you should get any device that plays music (HINT: outside the bar, where the band plays, there's a window on the left corner of the screen)
I will try to reach it thank you.
*Thanks for helping and sorry about my bad english